War is futile, and it is already here – the casualties lay in our streets everyday.

Our Government is spending millions on missiles and billions on submarines that we won’t get for 20 years. Yet no-one wants to join the Australian Defence Force (ADF) or for that matter the Police. I think the Ambo’s are faring better but spending their well trained and highly qualified working hours sitting on hospital ramps. I think the Firefighters in South Australia anyway are doing good because they look after their people..

Funny thing is that more ADF personnel, Police and Firefighters die from their own hand than the dangers of the jobs they do. They die also in spirit, destroying family units and relationships for their duty is done and the Government throws them away. Brave soldiers live on the streets after fighting for all of us.

Australians traditionally do not behave like this. We look after each other.

Our Governments are teaching us not to.

And… Governments send our resources and young men and women to die, always on foreign soil, always for a fight picked by someone else.

Honestly, fuck the war in the Middle East; it has already been going for 3000 years. Fuck the war in the Ukraine, NATO picked the fight, they can fight it.

We don’t need to keep being ‘deputised’ to fight other peoples wars.

Fuck nuclear weapons….. especially the one that will soon be dropped in either the Middle East or Ukraine.

….. and buy the way there is clean nuclear power plants that use nuclear waste, but unfortunately they don’t have a by product called plutonium which is required for nuclear weapons. Don’t believe me check out this video: Click here

Finally, as the Government is working towards us doing other peoples dirty work and getting to fight people who are mostly just like us, but perhaps not so lucky, we can go about our lives.

Going about our lives means striving for that bigger TV, that better car, both of which are probably made in a country our Government is spending billions to protect us from. And by the way of any, if our ‘enemies’ wanted to invade us, it would be over before lunch!

So, have a nice peaceful day consuming and sleep soundly in you bed tonight because no-one is dropping bombs on us,

Onto Our Troops in the Middle East…..

I wrote not long ago about “War what is it good for” (click here to read), but it didn’t involve a cat riding a vacuum cleaner so my AI statistic robot in the background told me only 28 or so people read it and they only stayed for an average of 58 seconds….

So, to the point.

Today we are sending two war plane and 100 troops to the Middle East. The Prime Minster state two very important things:

  1. We are sending them to support Australian wanting to leave.”
    Well send a passenger jet and not two war planes.
  2. And, “This is not ‘boots on the ground’”
    Well it looks like it to me.

We are sending 100 and two planes, then a thousand and all the rest of our planes (which adds up to about 5 or 6?). But, be afraid because Australia is protected by nuclear submarines…. So please get back to us in Andy’s years.

This is all familiar.

These countries ring a bell: Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few.

It’s only a few troops today who don’t have boots on the ground and then it’s thousands and then the draft…. And then our young people start coming home in body bags.


PS: No pictures as not pictures of our young people dyeing should be necessary.
PPS: I will post Phase 2 of The Revolution soon. (Although its hardly a revolution when only 28 or so people are involved?