War is futile, and it is already here – the casualties lay in our streets everyday.

Our Government is spending millions on missiles and billions on submarines that we won’t get for 20 years. Yet no-one wants to join the Australian Defence Force (ADF) or for that matter the Police. I think the Ambo’s are faring better but spending their well trained and highly qualified working hours sitting on hospital ramps. I think the Firefighters in South Australia anyway are doing good because they look after their people..

Funny thing is that more ADF personnel, Police and Firefighters die from their own hand than the dangers of the jobs they do. They die also in spirit, destroying family units and relationships for their duty is done and the Government throws them away. Brave soldiers live on the streets after fighting for all of us.

Australians traditionally do not behave like this. We look after each other.

Our Governments are teaching us not to.

And… Governments send our resources and young men and women to die, always on foreign soil, always for a fight picked by someone else.

Honestly, fuck the war in the Middle East; it has already been going for 3000 years. Fuck the war in the Ukraine, NATO picked the fight, they can fight it.

We don’t need to keep being ‘deputised’ to fight other peoples wars.

Fuck nuclear weapons….. especially the one that will soon be dropped in either the Middle East or Ukraine.

….. and buy the way there is clean nuclear power plants that use nuclear waste, but unfortunately they don’t have a by product called plutonium which is required for nuclear weapons. Don’t believe me check out this video: Click here

Finally, as the Government is working towards us doing other peoples dirty work and getting to fight people who are mostly just like us, but perhaps not so lucky, we can go about our lives.

Going about our lives means striving for that bigger TV, that better car, both of which are probably made in a country our Government is spending billions to protect us from. And by the way of any, if our ‘enemies’ wanted to invade us, it would be over before lunch!

So, have a nice peaceful day consuming and sleep soundly in you bed tonight because no-one is dropping bombs on us,

Short Post: Biden Speech

I do go on…

So short blogs …… as I see the world….

Biden just told the world he would hand over the US Presidency to Trump peacefully and they met and had a nice chat…..

I love being wrong in my predictions…… but: I make them anyway….

Biden will be dead before Christmas (gently in his sleep?)
Kamala will be President for a bit under a month…..
Multiple assassination attempts on Trump….. they will probably get him…..
There will be a US Constitutional “Crisis”…….

….. and it goes on…. And on…. And on….. And on……

(The new civil war in USA is still not avoided…..)


We are better societies because of good Goverments, our legal and economic systems, our Police and institutions, because, we give our consent for them to exist and for us, to follow their rules and their leadership.

The difficulty is when any, or all of them, as cogs in a great wheel of society, start to take advantage of our benevolence, trust and good will.

When the separation of their power disappears and they become one intertwined and dependent only on themselves to run as a ‘mega-machine’ who’s only purpose is to serve the elite, the powerful, the rich and themselves. This happens while we obliviously continue to provide our faithful consent.

  • the electricity companies continue to raise prices because we consent to this by continuing to pay our bills
  • petrol prices go up more and more, interdependently of the wholesale price and we continue to buy petrol
  • the Police issue more and more fines as the road toll goes up and the roads deteriorate because we pay our fines and drive on the roads without complaint (we actually consent to being abused by the Government and Police when they call us “selfish pricks.”)
  • every way we turn we are being taxed, often twice, three times or more for services, products and our actual work, we consent to this
  • a temporary levy never is; the Emergency Services Levy was impose after the Ash Wednesday Bushfires in the 1980’s. Yet theI Country Fire Service Brigades still have to fund raise to buy there own equipment; as do the Royal Flying Doctor Service

Most do not notice the creeping of the law to erode our freedoms; firearms prohibition orders; freedom of assembly laws; terrorism detention laws etc etc, all done with our consent.

Capitalism is the system we have and not withstanding so much rhetoric we hear nowadays, the best system we have at the moment. But, it requires two very important things, private property and the rule of law.

It provides for us to have freedom of expression and freedom more generally. It allows for us to keep the things we create and work for.

However when our Government serves itself and the separation of powers no longer exist, it is time to stop pandering to a morally corrupt, if not literally corrupt regime. We now have generations being taught to hate their own society and even themselves and to create ideologies based on no empirical evidence.

George Orwell in his book titled 1984 which he wrote just after World War II, in the above ‘quote’  intended it as a warning against a totalitarian government that controls every aspect of citizens’ lives.

Look how our ‘history’ is being rewritten, reinterpreted and weaponised against our current society creating the group and tribe mentality that divides a society.  This is a know political strategy the concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people to prevent a rebellion against the elites or the people implementing the strategy.“. If you think this is not happening, you’re not looking.

I know it may feel like a democracy, but, more and more it is just beginning to only feel like it, and not truely be one. I hear the defeatist already saying what can I do about it. Well there are many things, but it will require concentration.

I wrote a blog post not long ago called ‘The Revolution – Phase 1 – You Can Join for Free’ which can be located by clicking here. That is the first step in ‘doing something’. I did promise more and will expand on this in a future post, but how about a few quick ones that do require effort, a pen and paper (or a computer if you write in cursive like me and no-one can read it), an envelope and a stamp. You will see that some of the letters below are written in cursive. I do it deliberately as it drives them crazy!

Also, writing these letters gives a feeling of achievement. There are just a few rules I abide by:

  1. I am always polite.
  2. I stick to the facts.
  3. I put in something humorous, usually a personal anecdote that caused me to write and what I am feeling
  4. I remind them about this involving people and not just things.
  5. I put a reminder in my diary three months into the future to follow up if I don’t get a reply in that time.

I have done this many times, sometimes having to follow up multiple times but I have a formula; I follow up in 3 months, write another letter with the first letter enclosed;
A month after that I do the same thing:
A fortnight after that I do the same thing:
A week later the same:
I never give up.

I also have another strategy which goes hand in hand with this one. In addition to sending the hard copy, I go to their website and send the same text electronically, and if possible load up the documents and send them that way.

The beauty of this strategy is that ‘they’ hate getting hard copies and even more wonderfully the electronic copy and the hard copy never match up and you get two different replies – and away you go again!

Stay sane, and do it mostly to say you are doing it for fun and fairness. Then you can say at least you are doing something. Ask yourself and others, is the cost of living effecting us and does the 500% markup by retailers effect us….. Well, I have written them a letter?!!!

So, who am I writing to:
(Some of these may take a little research on the internet, but, that in itself can be informative and stop you – well mainly – we wasting 5 hours watching YouTube ‘shorts’)

  • Write to any company who’s product you buy and find it substandard.
    ( I once wrote to ‘Sharpie’ markers as one in a new pack was dry – they sent me a shoe box full!).
  • Write to Woolworths and Coles.
  • Write to the fuel companies.
  • Write to charities and ask them what percentage of their donations is spent on Administration.
  • Write to your local and federal member, and the current ministers in Government about what is hurting you at the moment, what you need, what your communities needs, what our country needs (which is not billions of dollars in nuclear submarines 25 years in the future, when we don’t have enough hospital beds NOW!!!)

This doesn’t sound much. But, imagine ‘a company’ that gets maybe 10 complaints a year suddenly gets 5,000 – they will start to take notice as will the Media (the Merchants of Misery).

I have a few other ‘revolution strategies’ I just do for me:

  • I write letters of accolade and thanks.
  • Any bill I pay electronically I pay one cent less or round it up or down to the nearest five cents.
  • I never pay traffic tickets. I elect to go to court and talk to a Magistrate, not explain myself to a belligerent 25 year old on the side of the road (blog post coming up about how to do this and pay less than the ticket!)
    • I never pay my fines but ring up or email fines enforcement branch and pay the minimum amount a fortnight.

I have included a few of my letters to give you ideas and one I got back from Gamin after I returned a broken GPS to throw away on my behalf as it belonged to an old mate and I didn’t have the heart to throw it away?!

Letter from Garmin. Letter to Office Works. Letter to Council. Letter to Strongbow

Marching on the street has a place; but it only last a day – and you better not disrupt any business as that is now a $25,000.00 fine recently legislated up from $500.00. I will attest to the pen being mightier than the sword and knowing that “Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.” (Publius Ovidius Naso, a Roman Poet circa 33B.)

Be that dripping water.

The REVOLUTION – Phase 1 – You Can Join for Free!

This is an extract from my post ‘War What is it Good For‘: you can read the entire thing, but I got to the point where I decided that we, ‘we the people’ should stop being passive and sheep. The hardest part is that we are divided already. Revolution only starts or succeeds if we are all going in the same direction and of course we are going in the ‘right’ direction..

So here is my little extract:


Our home is on an ancient land with an ancient culture and are made up of people from all the other cultures on this planet.

We have historically fought for the ideals of other countries (not our own) and defended our coast only twice in wars that, one changed a culture and the other never really threatened it. And, other than the politicians, we Australians have defended our shores with a lot of loss of life and a pain.

But, we are all still here, we are Australians.

A revolution is coming and it is not in a country we have to Google to figure out where it is, or a place we send our young men and women to die, or the future destruction of the true ‘Australia Culture’….. which is all of us that live here today.

You don’t think you can do anything. You think being passive is not the answer (Hint: See Gandhi, see Dr Martin Luther King, see Nelson Mandela – all good examples of resistance without resistance!)

This “Revolution” involves doing northing.

We are ruled by our own consent. We are taught to:

  • Consume
  • Live in Fear
  • Be addicted
  • Separate into our separate ‘tribes’, groups, ideologies, etc etc
    (Please remember, one of the greatest military strategies, is to ‘divide and conquer’)

So, I have decided, all the writing I have been doing over the last few months, years, decades…. And all the plans for change, I will post.

And, I guarantee, by deciding to not, consume, be afraid, be addicted and to decide more importantly, to work with everyone for change, we can again all be true Australians.

So, PHASE ONE, is this, and its simple because it is what we used to do:

  • Say hello to people in the street…
  • Wave to people from you car…
  • Let that other driver in front of you…
  • Let that person in front of you go first in the in line…
  • Say please and thank you…
  • Smile…
  • Chat…

And, again I promise, I will hopefully post more PHASES of this ‘Revolution’ to get our lives back as Australians. To share the values that have been here for millennia , centuries and for all the time that Aussies used to believed, in giving everyone a fair go.

And, no-one will ever fire a shot, sue a neighbour, be marching down the street with a sign, or do anything that is not moral or good and transparent.

Because, ‘the system’ is our enemy and lucky it is its own worst enemy.

For again I say, we are governed and ruled by our own consent.

We will as Australians, change our country, to where we are all equal, where 99% of the wealth is not owned by less than 1%. Where those who try, and take the time to notice, will make a difference that no-one will see coming.


Let us all be the good leader in the ‘survival situation’. I suspect we are approaching one. So let us look after the weak, sick, disadvantaged, lost, etc etc (whose eye contact we now avoid in the street). Or, we only ‘help’ because someone is paying us.

Let us first reconnect with each other right where we live and where’ve we travel in this great land. By doing a few small things each day in reconnecting, you will find you may very well feel happier and make someone’s day. And, the best part, it costs you nothing. If we can’t take this first step in a ‘Revolution” which involves being kind to each other, it is no wonder big business, governments and big Tech are not kind to use and use us as ‘consuming machines’. This can change, and will change, if we all work together; if we decide to ‘withdraw’ our consent.

I’ll see you soon, and I have a doozy PHASE 2!!!!

The Police (our beloved SAPOL) …. Are INSANE!!!

I was watching the news last night and realised the above statement is true….
And I can prove it.

It will take a few paragraphs…. but, I guarantee it will be worth it!

The current ‘road toll’…..

‘Road Toll’ – a very nice term to describe people who have died unexpectedly in car accidents, usually by getting their delicate human body smashed and torn apart by sharp metal, bitumen and glass…..

So, the road toll in South Australia for this year (2023) is 31, that is 31 people

And ‘they’ took away the markers no doubt because someone was offended?

died as I described above.

Last year (2022) at the same time it was 15.

I wrote the above a few weeks ago and just decided to publish it and trawled the internet for the current totals….

That was difficult as the SAPOL web site had two different results and every where else I searched compared death rate to date, with the total for last year……

I could have gone to the media (the ‘merchants of misery’) reports but decided I couldn’t trust them more than statisticians, politicians or pollsters predicting ‘the Voice’ referendum….

So I will let you be the judge of these ‘accurate statistics’ …..

So, we are dying in horrific circumstances, being crushed and ripped apart; even incinerated, at double the rate.

Our Police (our beloved SAPOL) is full of good people going out their each day risking their lives when we need them to serve and protect us from the fantasy of the road toll and how they are ‘helping’ to reduce it.

They are just going through the PR motions:

  • More breath tests
  • More drug tests
  • Giving out more on the spot fines
    • Cameras and computers even giving us more on the spot fines
    • Traffic operations in country towns and ‘black spots’ to do more alcohol and drug testing and hand out more fines.

The fantasy is the glory of protecting us from the ‘fatal five’ killers on the road:

  • Drink and Drug Driving
    • Speeding
  • Distraction
  • Seat Belts
  • Dangerous Driving

…. And SAPOL on average hand out …… get ready for this as it doesn’t sound real but, it is recorded on the SAPOL web site at the link below….


Okay I did research…. not my thing….. and found the below statistics.

In the days between 6/7/2022 – 31/3/23, a total of 268 days, there were 425,407 expiation notices issued by person and machine.

That is about 1500 a day!!

That is at total of $119,198,366.00 of fines issued in that period.

I need to write that out in full so you know it isn’t a mistake:

“one hundred and nineteen million, one hundred and ninety eight thousand three hundred and sixty six dollars!!!!!”

(Wait for it…. that is $444,770.022 A DAY!!!)

How about that ‘ramping’ at the hospital emergency departments where all the road accident patients go screaming in the back of an ambulances with bits hanging off them, or bit missing and squirting blood…. and waiting for hours with ambos on double shifts and not break

After all, we just need more beds, more doctors, more nurses….. but, where do we get the money???


$26,253,260.00 additional payments on top of those fines for the Victims of Crime Levy.
(I bet that makes you feel good as a victim of crime when you have been waiting years for compensation?)

But, the good news the statistics reveal that SAPOL’s vigorous protection of us from the “Fatal Five’ resulted in more deaths and more fines.

The simple truth is that the infringement notices are going up in line with the the road toll – remember that is the crushing and ripping apart of human bodies and the death of someones’ loved ones..

So, this wonderful strategy of protecting us has continued with enforcement, telling people they are selfish pricks (which by the way wins an award in advertising!?) and that 3 out of 5 people killed on country roads live in the country; I just wonder what the statistics are for the number of people who live in the city that are killed on the roads in the city?

Plus as a little side issue (I’m writing a series on this one called ‘Never Pay and On the Spot Fine Again’ – to be published in the next week or so – there will be a link – here – when it is done).

SAPOL continues to increase enforcement, disregarding your presumption of innocence by taking away your license, on the spot, and then taking your car (and charging you to store it)….

And…. having on their web site that you ‘have‘ to pay the fine….

Is this all sounding a little crazy, even insane.

SAPOl is not doing the same thing over and over again….. they are doing more of the same thing, and more, and more…..

That is because by definition SAPOL and their ‘traffic strategies’ are insane as old Albert points out below:

I will tell you how to NEVER pay an on the spot fine given by a Police Officer or a robot (although it is getting pretty hard to tell the difference) EVER again….. in my next blog….

…..or maybe the one after….

I got heaps of other stuff to bitch about, like, crime and mayhem in the CBD of Adelaide!!!!!

Have a nice day…….?

THE MEDIA #01 – Covid Chaos

I broke so many of my rules tonight about watching TV.

  1. I watched the News without appropriately suspending my belief in everything they said?
  2. I then watched a small segment on the creditable ‘news commentary’ show, The Project
  3. I did the above sober

The Media, as I have so fondly called them in the past “The Merchants of Misery” are demonstrating their complete involvement in a world that does not exist, as are our professionally appointed most popular people in charge, our politicians.

I want to rave, but know the average internet exploror only has a few moments before the next Tic-Toc is due with another person dancing badly…. so:

I am watching the Merchants of Misery, accompanied by condescending politically staged medical professionals reciting rhetoric of equally confusing renditions – with people nodding their heads in the background, of incomprehensible lockdowns and red, blue, green and something else areas, being enforced with massive fines in NSW, and travel restrictions and exceptions that allow …..” stuff” and prevent other “stuff” ….. as we open our borders to Victoria…. as the most popular person in South Australia, no qualifications required, The Premier in charge, tells us all to go out in Rundle Street and have a party…..

I couldn’t make this shit up.

I have brought myself to tears of laughter, with a mate, ‘voice overing’ the News bulletin, which, I think would make a great You-Tube channel, but, I not have not bought myself to do it…. as I check in, comply, live in the country and have 100 days of food. I’m okay.

Have a good time in Rundle Street on the piss with Steve Marshall.

I hope this post “The Media” is the beginning of a planned continuation of their abuse and lasts longer than the first session of most Netflix series we are sucked into.