Better News Isn’t Always Good News

I wrote a post on Facebook the other day which read:

“A little bit of good news can make a big difference in your day”

And, that little bit of good news did make my day a whole lot better.  But, this is my life, remember.  It all collapsed when the little bit of good news turned into a whole lot of unknown bad news.

Don’t you hate that!

So, is it still a good day – yeah, I reckon so.  Why?  Because I’m still here.

I really have this problem in that my bits of bad news are really not that bad, yet they smash me in the head like catastrophes.

Most times nobody dies and most times they are my ‘first world’ type problems.  It’s that perspective thing again – I saw it when I wrote ‘Better Dead‘ and I am trying to live it a bit more; but life does get in the way.

So, my good news, turned bad news, is now just news.  I am still here and my day, week, month, year goes on.  I am sure that most of the rest of the world didn’t really notice me having a shit day.  I know there are lots of other people, some my friends, some just because they are Palestinians, who are having worse days than me – and they have no end in sight, perhaps ever.

Well, I’m still here.




Better at the Pinch Point

I had to start off by showing this photo which I took of a truck which was stopped just in front of me at the traffic lights.


The funny thing is that I had seen this sign a number of times and thought what is the world coming too when we have to caution a truck driver not to get his fingers stuck in the tail gate of his truck.

Then I remembered all the other warnings I have seen on normal everyday stuff: my favourite being ‘contents is hot’ on a take away coffee cup!

I also started to realise, well I have realised for some time, that the end of Darwinian evolution has come, as natural selection in the human race is definitely a thing of the past (If you want to watch a really average- yet a little bit scary comedy movie about this have a look at the movie “Idiocracy“).


So back to the pinch point.

Firstly I just like saying pinch point, it has a good ring about it.

But do we really need to be warned about every pinch point in our lives. Doesn’t it sometimes pay to get your fingers caught so that you won’t do it again.

Do all the pinch points in our lives need signs.  Are we really that dumb.

I suppose when you think about not only the signs in factories but that some of the machines are set up so that you have to press buttons with both hands to activate it, so that you wont cut your hands off!  (strange thing about that is I first saw those machine buttons in the Eminem movie * Mile…. go figure?)  Maybe we are that dumb.  Or maybe we just don’t notice.

Machine Guarding- Two hand control

And what good are the signs anyway, if we don’t read them and definitely don’t obey them!  I suppose the two buttons on the factory press had to be put there because people kept cutting their hands off.

So there might be a lot of signs in the world warning us of the bleeding obvious, but perhaps they are necessary when we are wandering around most of the time on auto-pilot.  However, one of the reasons we don’t put our hand into a flame is because at one time or another we go burnt.  Maybe the pinch points in our lives are not supposed to be avoided; well not all of them anyway.

I know one thing.  As I get older the memories of getting my fingers jammed in the car when I was a kid are a good lesson to watch out when I close the car door, and any other door come to think of it (real and metaphoric!).

I don’t mind the pinch points in life.  And I do genuinely believe that most things that don’t kill you make you stronger (except the ones of course that maim you for the rest of your life…).  Avoiding the pinch points shows that you may have learned something, become a little better and perhaps a little wiser.  Having signs everywhere, just makes us better at blaming others when mistakes are made because someone forgot to put up a sign.

Remember….. no running with scissors!

Better on the Riverbank

I am really good at revenge. I suppose what I am saying is that revenge is really good at wrecking my life!!! I can consume myself in the company of the three Evil Witches – ‘Woulda’, ‘Shoulda’ and ‘Coulda’. But, they are just the ruminations of the past; the future is where real feelings of revenge can be placed with the Evil Warlock “Gunna’. My greatest gunna, is revenge.

But, I noticed a while back (before I became the all knowing mindful sea of tranquility I am today….?) that pursuing the future with Warlock Gunna was perhaps making me a little bitter. It is when I changed my mantra to:

“If you sit on the riverbank long enough, eventually the bodies of your enemies will come floating by” (Sorry, the closest citation I can get for this is an ‘ancient Japanese proverb’)

I decided that this was a good course of action and it actually involved doing nothing with a potentially vicious outcome. Historically the doing nothing part of revenge had not been my strong point and I had destroyed work environments, relationships and even a family (my own) in the activity of revenge and vengeance (well I thought at the time there was a degree of vengeance but most times it was revenge and it involved all consuming anger – and fuck the consequences… sad thinking about it now?).

So, I began to sit on the riverbank and wait. I was vigilant. What if someone missed something – it wasn’t going to be me. I was also pretty obsessed and imaginative about how my enemies would eventually end up in the river. Imagining the demise of my enemies was a good way to fill a few minutes of my day, or hours, or the entire day, or a week, month, year, or come to think of it, a life…….

Then something happened during my all consuming ruminating (which of course was better than the actual pursuit of my revenge because not doing anything and just waiting of course, was making me such a better man – outwardly anyway.)

… a friend came by and gave me a fishing rod.

I thought this was a good idea as I could use it to pull the bodies of my enemies over to the side of the riverbank so that I could see what their final agony was – which I hoped was prolonged and painful.

I didn’t do anything with the fishing rod at first, it just lay next to me all day. I couldn’t fish at that time, I was too busy; I had to be vigilant and watch for those bodies. Be under no misapprehension I was dedicated to this. I knew happiness would come from their pain (this never really quite sat right with me, but I had to put any thoughts of leniency out of my head, no weakness here! They had to pay, I had been wronged by them, I can’t remember all the specifics, but, that didn’t matter, whatever happened to them they deserved and I was going to be there to watch!)

Sometimes you do something for no reason, sometimes it is because you have to, sometimes it is because you need to, and sometimes it is just because now, in this place, at this time, it is the right time to do it. One day, I thought, for no reason, i would give the fishing rod a go. I picked that fishing rod up… and used it to just fish.

I did this a couple of times. Then I did it a lot. Then I found myself at the riverbank with the primary aim of fishing. I don’t think I actually caught very much, I don’t think that in the end I was even baiting the hooks; I just liked sitting on the riverbank. There was no purpose to it. I would sometimes think of my enemies, but they weren’t there, then, and I was fishing. I wasn’t even really waiting for my enemies anymore, as a matter of fact I started to notice that my friends used the river quite a bit and when they went past I would often wave to them; I also noticed all the other things around me on the riverbank, the birds, the small lizards, which would pop out, spy me and run away again. I noticed the movement of the sun during the day and how the wonderful river gum I sat under, cast a majestic shadow throughout the day that up until now, I had not notice, canopied the place I had been sitting for so long.

The other day, I went down to the riverbank. I didn’t go for any reason, I just went. And I sat there for a while. I didn’t think about too much. I didn’t think about my enemies, they weren’t there, and may possibly never be there. I did notice, that I was at the riverbank. I did notice what it really felt like to be at the riverbank.

And then I went home, I think, a better man.

I suppose the above should have been the end of this post.  But, I just have one more moment to write about.  It is the moment in the picture above.  It is actually the moment, my wife took me to the riverbank (both figuratively and literally), it was the moment in my real life that I picked up the fishing rod, and, can I say, it helps if you have a glass of wine in your hand, you’re with the one you love and one of the most beautiful sunsets you have ever seen is in the background.

Every time I think about that moment, I get that, NOW, all over again.  I made a new memory and feelings for my home (see Better Homes).

I think, sitting on the riverbank, can just be about, sitting on the riverbank.

Better at Work – Life

I was getting pretty sick of hearing about work life balance a few years ago, mainly by people who were afraid to work and their balance was how much life I can fit into all the time I was supposed to be working.

I also thought the saying “I work to live, not live to work” was degrading to whatever work that person was attempting to avoid that day – they always appeared to me to be the people in my work who were striving for mediocrity.

So I thought about it and decided that work life balance is actually bullshit – it’s just called LIFE.

Apparently work is not a new thing!  The only difference is that historically work was what gave you life – you didn’t work in planting your crops and harvesting them, you didn’t eat and then you died.  Work then was not about ‘my leisure time’ but about my survival.

The reason that I am writing this today is I was in the car today listening to the radio and I suddenly hear some professor talking about “Work Life Integration”.  Apparently our executives of today are finding that they are becoming disconnected with their families and that a balance doesn’t exist because work and life take up too much time.  Apparently they need to be integrated so they get the right amount of attention.

This may not be the answer but maybe it clarifies the idea that you don’t have to work to live but you have to live to work.


Better at Bad Weeks

I had a bit of a bad week, that, didn’t turn out to be that bad.

At the moment by biggest worry is worrying about why I am not worrying.

I had to have a sit down and think about this a bit.  It came down to a number of things that I have had as my mantra for a while, the most important being:


It is pretty hard to be peaceful when shit is rolling down hill and you suddenly realise you live in a valley.  But peaceful is what I decided to be this week.  I say this at lot lately… “I decided” because I think this is the thing that we forget to do a lot.  I am pretty tired of thinking that other people are responsible for how I feel; because if you do that you lose control of your life.  It is my decision as to wether I am going to be peaceful or not.  This week that is what I decided, again and again, when the peace was slipping from me.

As a result I hit the weekend and looked back over my week.  I found that although the week was not a highlight in my year I was better in a bad week than sometime I am in good weeks.

I think it was all to do with how I looked at it; and more importantly how I decided to respond to it.

I think it’s am achievement to be a better man in bad weeks – and I’m going to take the credit.