The REVOLUTION – Phase 1 – You Can Join for Free!

This is an extract from my post ‘War What is it Good For‘: you can read the entire thing, but I got to the point where I decided that we, ‘we the people’ should stop being passive and sheep. The hardest part is that we are divided already. Revolution only starts or succeeds if we are all going in the same direction and of course we are going in the ‘right’ direction..

So here is my little extract:


Our home is on an ancient land with an ancient culture and are made up of people from all the other cultures on this planet.

We have historically fought for the ideals of other countries (not our own) and defended our coast only twice in wars that, one changed a culture and the other never really threatened it. And, other than the politicians, we Australians have defended our shores with a lot of loss of life and a pain.

But, we are all still here, we are Australians.

A revolution is coming and it is not in a country we have to Google to figure out where it is, or a place we send our young men and women to die, or the future destruction of the true ‘Australia Culture’….. which is all of us that live here today.

You don’t think you can do anything. You think being passive is not the answer (Hint: See Gandhi, see Dr Martin Luther King, see Nelson Mandela – all good examples of resistance without resistance!)

This “Revolution” involves doing northing.

We are ruled by our own consent. We are taught to:

  • Consume
  • Live in Fear
  • Be addicted
  • Separate into our separate ‘tribes’, groups, ideologies, etc etc
    (Please remember, one of the greatest military strategies, is to ‘divide and conquer’)

So, I have decided, all the writing I have been doing over the last few months, years, decades…. And all the plans for change, I will post.

And, I guarantee, by deciding to not, consume, be afraid, be addicted and to decide more importantly, to work with everyone for change, we can again all be true Australians.

So, PHASE ONE, is this, and its simple because it is what we used to do:

  • Say hello to people in the street…
  • Wave to people from you car…
  • Let that other driver in front of you…
  • Let that person in front of you go first in the in line…
  • Say please and thank you…
  • Smile…
  • Chat…

And, again I promise, I will hopefully post more PHASES of this ‘Revolution’ to get our lives back as Australians. To share the values that have been here for millennia , centuries and for all the time that Aussies used to believed, in giving everyone a fair go.

And, no-one will ever fire a shot, sue a neighbour, be marching down the street with a sign, or do anything that is not moral or good and transparent.

Because, ‘the system’ is our enemy and lucky it is its own worst enemy.

For again I say, we are governed and ruled by our own consent.

We will as Australians, change our country, to where we are all equal, where 99% of the wealth is not owned by less than 1%. Where those who try, and take the time to notice, will make a difference that no-one will see coming.


Let us all be the good leader in the ‘survival situation’. I suspect we are approaching one. So let us look after the weak, sick, disadvantaged, lost, etc etc (whose eye contact we now avoid in the street). Or, we only ‘help’ because someone is paying us.

Let us first reconnect with each other right where we live and where’ve we travel in this great land. By doing a few small things each day in reconnecting, you will find you may very well feel happier and make someone’s day. And, the best part, it costs you nothing. If we can’t take this first step in a ‘Revolution” which involves being kind to each other, it is no wonder big business, governments and big Tech are not kind to use and use us as ‘consuming machines’. This can change, and will change, if we all work together; if we decide to ‘withdraw’ our consent.

I’ll see you soon, and I have a doozy PHASE 2!!!!

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!