All the news is bad and I watch too many Zombie apocalypse movies… but, over the last few years a truck just ran through a crowd in France killing people (I was going to say including women and children but aren’t all lives valued the same – probably not?), a car in Melbourne did the same… and man with a knife etc etc etc….. (Just a little fun fact about a few people dying from terrorists and a few crazies…. anyone remember the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami which killed over 240,000 people in 14 countries….. can’t stop that one with a taser and a trolly!) 
I don’t think there is a great likelihood of there being a Zombie apocalypse or evil virus designed to wipe out the human race – but, I am sure there is some sort of war going on against us – and I mean all of us. Plus, danger appears to be everywhere.
I am angry that the world is becoming (or is it just appearing to be…) such an unsafe and dangerous place, for us all to live in. I write posts, I espouse threats, theories and rhetoric in the pub every chance I get, I like Facebook post that are angry, and I get angry at the News (even though I have vowed to stop watching the it!)
But…. the big ‘but’ here is that I can do something about it; the other ‘but’ is I must decide what it is I am going to do – I have to have a plan. So:
- I can decide to make a real difference, which would entail me dedicating my life to righting all these wrongs and really doing something about it. I can join a lobby, protest and/or militant group to fight back. I can run for politics and stand up. I must be dedicated and fight with all I have, I mean everything – all else in my life must become secondary – to not do this just makes me another keyboard or pub warrior not making a difference but just making a noise….or
- I can do what I can and try and live my life the best I can. What is doing what I can. First of all it is stop talking and start doing, start paying attention to all the things I see in the world that make me crazy and start realising that it doesn’t all really mean anything until it happens to me, in my life, at my doorstep, to my family, to my friends (only close friends mind you!) – and, most of all be prepared (just like a Boy Scout).
- I can do nothing.
Interlude: I got a little excited being a dooms dayer and realise I actually don’t really think this way all that much anymore…. this is one of my ‘draft posts‘ that I started after the truck ran through the crowd in France. I was angry that anyone would do this…. and I was angry that this truck travelled over a kilometre and was crashing into cars, buildings, posts (and people) and still, people at the 900 metre mark were run over by SURPRISE (!) when the truck came up behind them. I was angry at them for dying. I was angry for them dying so badly. Yeah, the first few hundred metres you can expect that people were unexpecting…. but hundreds of metres later, with crashing and screaming and dying…. people were still oblivious to a truck smashing down a pedestrian walkway towards them – even if it was from behind…. I actually wonder how many died looking at their phones trying to start their video app so they could capture whatever was happening…. I think they just died badly… and worse…. oblivious and without really putting up a fight!
Interlude II : I do feel sorry for all the people who have died in these terrible violent incidents we seem to be plagued with in our modern world…. but, just to put all that into perspective we ARE – read the following as a fact; you can research it and find I am right even if the media (the Merchants of Misery) don’t want you to think it…. we ARE living in the SAFEST, MOST PROSPEROUS, HEALTHIEST, period in human history – not just recent times, or centuries, but EVER! (CLICK HERE for a good article about the statistics involved). So why are we all so afraid and convinced the world in on the brink of apocalypse….?
So where was I before the interlude(s)…..
I was going to attempt to survive the apocalypse, although it is unlikely it will happen, I still would not like to die oblivious and wearing my life jacket when the ship sinks.
Some years ago two of our children were involved in serious ‘survival’ situations that they were lucky to get out of, relatively unscathed….. I thought, I am the doomsday prepper from way back, yet could not help my children when they needed me the most. Why? Because I wasn’t there and I had always planned on talking to them about ‘survival situations’ tomorrow…. well that day came, and guess what? It caught us all by surprise!
So the next Christmas I gave the all the kids ‘survival packs’ for their cars… Yes, I know it sounds crazy and paranoid, but they all carry them in their cars – and they love them, and they show their friends.
The packs have first aid, a few space blankets, some tools etc etc – the content is not really as important as the message. …. and as a matter of fact the packs do contain a message in the form of the “Survival Manifesto”. This is a short document which is the most important survival ‘tool’ in the pack. It is a really simple message of staying alive when things go wrong by following the “Four Rules of Survival’:

I have noticed that when I ask people what is the first rule of survival, nobody gets it.
We often think of all those wonderful tips and tricks on the TV about survival, like building a fire, finding shelter, finding water etc etc – most of which most of us can’t really do in real life, in the real bush, in a real survival situation.
The one thing we never think about is not getting in that situation in the first place.
Now of course, this doesn’t help in surviving the apocalypse – because I am sure when it comes, the apocalypse that is, it will be beyond our control…. but most things in our day to day lives, even in those little moments which change the course of our lives, often, all we have to do is take a moment and think…. is this really a good idea?
Both situations involving my children could have been avoided, or at the very least minimised, if the first and perhaps the second rule of survival had been followed….
Also, survival as you can see is not about being able to build a hut from your boot laces and a mars bar wrapper – it is more about what is going on inside your head.
I know one thing. The giving of the ‘eye rolling’ gift of the survival packs to my children and the highlighting of the above four rules make my kids, and me, and perhaps even you now that you have read this, more likely to survive ‘that situation’ (or perhaps even avoid it) than the vast majority of the world, who not only die, but unfortunately die badly and dumb.
I might write a few more articles about surviving the apocalypse from the ‘manifesto’ – but then again when times get tough, food is scarce and the shit has hit the fan, perhaps if there were less of us it would be easier…..
PS: Statistically….. if it is ‘every man for themselves’ usually 90 to 100% of people die – yet when everyone works together 90 to 100% survive….. can anyone guess what we humans do in 90% of survival situations……? (I didn’t make this up and if you are interested a great book to read about historical survival situations is: “No Mercy – True Stories of Disaster, Survival and Brutality” by Eleanor Learmonth and Jenny Tabakoff)
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