My Happiness

I just had to include the following muse from my wife.  The ‘funny’ part is that she wrote it in 1982 – a very insightful (young) woman:

“My happiness”

Some people refer to happiness as something which is derived,
whether it be from a possession, a person, or a place;

The world is seemingly viewed as providing the individual with feelings and emotions.

For me,
Happiness comes from within.
How I feel is reflected in the way I appreciate those same possessions,
people and places.

I can enjoy the world because of the feelings which emulate from me,
Perhaps the ultimate question is,
whether we believe, that a happy existence,
is a thing which is granted or denied


whether we view happiness, as a state,
which we as individuals have a significant role in determining

I have found a sense of security, in the realisation,
that I am responsible for my own happiness,
and that is a wonderful feeling,

I know, that no one can take it away from me.

PS:  If you are interested in more of Jo’s writings go to her blog site “Moments of Joy

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