Just a very quick post to say you may wish to try it!
Meditation that is.
If you’re not a believer I’ll just let you know a few people who regularly meditate, do not wear orange robes or live on a mountain:
- Richard Branson
- Bill Gates
- Katy Perry
- Hugh Jackman
- Clint Eastwood
- and the list goes on if you click here to a full list of famous people who meditate
I just pulled a couple of names above as examples that it’s not just for hippies and Buddhist Monks….
I started off using an App on my phone which has this wonderful female voice with just a hint of a Scottish accent to guide you through meditations from 3 minutes to custom settings as long as you want – it also keeps track of your progress, over the days, months, years.
Yeah, of course there are ‘In-App Purchases’ but I don’t do that!
You can find the App I use or have a look for something that suits for you and your phone or tablet platform (e.g Mac or Android).
The App I use is on the left in the photo – and yes I know I have a few updates to process.
The type of meditation in the App is what is known as ‘mindfulness meditation’ which has no religious connotations and in really about concentration.
This app is good in the explanation of starting and going through the meditation and you get to listen to that lovely Scottish accent. I do use it for relaxation but also use it to get my mind a bit centred and stop all those random thoughts bouncing around against each other in my head.
I did a quick consultation with Dr Google and found this definition of mindfulness and mindfulness meditation – I am not sure if it explains it or makes it more confusing (I’ll have to meditate on that one):
Nowadays, mindfulness and meditation are often used to mean the same thing, which can be confusing, while not many are clear on what ‘mindfulness meditation‘ is and how it differs from either of the above. … “Mindfulness is theawareness that arises when we non-judgmentally pay attention in the present moment.
I sort of love the above definition because I once said to someone “Mindfulness changes nothing and everything” and they agreed.
I am not sure if you meditate with a simple App like the one above will take you on a new path to spirituality, but I am sure it can’t hurt to give it a try – just remember Clint Eastwood meditates – so give it a try and let me know how you go.
“Go ahead make my day”……