Better Naked

The heading of this post is much like the email you receive from your boss or someone else in the office with the subject line “Free Beer”. It has nothing to do with free beer but does get your attention.

In actual fact this post does relate to the subject line, just not in the kind of naked that one would expect.

I am taking about being naked on the internet. Not, naked like a ‘sexting’ with pictures or the teen photographing themselves in the bedroom of there parents house for the love of their life boy/girlfriend of a whole three weeks now, where that private photograph follows them for the rest of their lives including their first job interview kind of naked (longs sentence, sorry…. take a deep breath now if you are reading out loud…) but, the kind of naked as in being out there completely exposed. I am thinking this is what I am doing with this blog. I am not sure if that is what I want to do?

I just read a couple of older posts out loud to my wife and as I was reading them I was thinking that perhaps I sound a little insane. But, the post was really what I was thinking at the time, which was the purpose and point of the post. My blog is about getting my ideas, thoughts, opinions down and putting them somewhere other than my Journal. But, is ‘out there’ the place they should be. Do I really want you to see me, as me, when I am having a fair bit of trouble actually finding me at the best of times.

Plus, is all this just a bit to pretentious and too self indulgent…. Yes, has to be the answer, I give myself.

So as I am putting it out there, when I am putting my ideas and thoughts out there, I am also putting myself out there….. Naked. Is that what I want.

Well, look at this this way. I know that in theory that is what I am doing, but in reality that is not happening now, because no one is reading my blog, because I haven’t put myself out there yet. That is the Catch 22 I am living with this blog at the moment. I am truly, at this time, writing to myself and the one friend who visited the site for a critique… And then went on with their life and I am pretty sure hasn’t visited since…. But, knowing I am writing in a public forum where eventually someone will read what I have written….. And I have no control as to who that will be (other than the about 300 spam posts which I have blocked and appear now to have stopped!)

But, I must be hoping that people will eventually read my blog, or otherwise why would I be writing it…. See, it is happening already, you are finding out my secrets.

Perhaps it is not about being naked that troubles me (although getting the naked me, standing in the middle if the road for all to see mental picture out of my head will be a problem) it is, can I accept the reflections I might receive from the world…. Some may be too true… Or some may be distortions like the fat and skinny mirrors at the Show.

Maybe the reflections are only in the eye of the beholder.

I want to ramble about how I don’t want this blog to be subjected to the toxic attacks of internet trolls (whatever they really are – does an internet troll call themselves an internet troll…. Do they have to be short?) and for it to not be about me being naked, but me being naked and laughed at, and ridiculed, and bullied, and embarrassed….

So why go there, or actually here… At this blog?

It may not be about being naked, it might just be about not hiding anymore.

Being a better man, unfortunately can not be done in a bubble. Life goes on, and I suppose being a better man is like the tree that falls in the forest….. If I am just a better man to myself, would anyone hear?

Do you mind, if just for a while, I keep my clothes on, we don’t necessarily have to go all the way, we can just sit here and talk, and perhaps cuddle….. We’ll see how things develop from there. If it doesn’t work out, I suppose one of us can just leave….

Better at Happy

I am writing this blog entry live as I am teaching myself about now…. That is noticing now and doing something about it… That would be noticing it!!!

I am happy.

I have tried to consider what it is like to be naked in the world (and it just occurred to me that is the way we come in and go out) in a previous blog and I suppose this is me getting my gear off.

I am happy.

I am realising this in a country town in South Australia while I am on holidays with my wife. We are doing nothing special other then sitting around after having a day out driving around the area (and while I was doing this I realise I had become my parents!!) and now after putting the aerial on the caravan (again I can’t believe I have a caravan!!!) so that my wife can watch X factor, I realised…. I am happy.

The word may end tomorrow, or we could just have another fight with the kids about drinking and tattooing, but, NOW, I am happy.

Take a moment, sometime, anytime, and look at your life, for what it really is, and probably, you too are happy, it is okay and alright….. If not run, really run, really hard until you find a place to rest. Then consider again, after your run, are you happy.

None of this is mine to consider for you, but, don’t be unhappy if you can not find that moment, any moment, in any day, to be naked and say….

I am happy…. Now.

Better at Nothing… Something

I was just reviewing something I had written a few months ago when I was having one of my profound moments (well I reckon they are profound – in hindsight sometimes they are just me getting something I didn’t get before – this is particularly hard to accept, especially when everyone else got it before you!).  It is about mindfulness and I suppose the best way to describe it is to just transcribe it:

“I have been writing for a long time now (I am guessing 2 years…) to be a better man.  When I say 2 years I am talking about when I discovered mindfulness and realised, that understanding this was how I would understand me.

It takes a long time to understand that mindfulness is about everything and nothing; changes nothing and changes everything.  It all has to do with nothing in your life and everything in your life.

But, even when you understand and accept that, you have to live your life everyday and everyday is full of noise;  the noise of life that takes your concentration and blurs each day, year and moment into the next.

So what does this revelation do for me?

Nothing, everything…… it makes me notice my life.”

Better than 10%

I read somewhere that 90% of all information on the internet is just a rehash of the 10% of truly original materiel.  It might be like a lot of things on the internet, that is, complete rubbish!  However, I realised that we are influenced so much by the stuff that is going on around us.  How much of what we think is really original thought and how much is us just thinking what someone else told us, or in the worse case scenario, told us to think!

People who know me may think that I spend far too much time thinking about statistics and odds (just to let you know I suspect Texas-Holde’m Poker is possibly the best game in the world as well as the best psychological experiment in human interaction).  I do think that thinking about, I mean truly thinking about the chances of something happening can be a worthwhile exercise in making decisions – although it is obvious that a vast majority of the population do no do this…… you WILL NOT win xlotto, stop buying tickets – it is 76,000,000 to 1, that is three times the entire population of Australia – looking at it that way, NONE of us will win!!!!

So, the percentages and odds are interesting in looking at the world and life.  I once gave a lecture which was attended my a neighbourhood group of concerned citizens about things that were happening in their area.  Before I went to the lecture I did a bit of statistical analysis.  I told them at the lecture that things were in fact very dangerous.  Statistically it became clear that they were in more danger of being KILLED in a car accident coming to, or going home from, the lecture than they were EVER (for the rest of their lives!) being involved in the ‘concerning trend and dangers’ in their neighbourhood.  I don’t think they really believed me, but, they were the facts….  I never checked to see if they all made it home?

I have to write this, although there is no basis in anything scientific I have bothered to research; but, all of us at one time or another have thought (or probably been told, we just thought we thought it) that at the exact moment you were doing something someone else in the world was doing exactly the same thing (how weird is that, in that when I was writing the above I was thinking of someone, somewhere is the world, sitting at their computer, writing their blog, about exactly the same thing that I am writing about now… and they suddenly realised that somewhere in the world, someone was sitting…… you get my drift).

Which brings me to the point of this post.

It might have a bit to do with the idea that you, and me, might already think that there is not a whole lot of ‘new’ going on in any case.  This is of course other than the ‘new’ idea we are all going to come up with one day that will make us overnight millionaires (although even nowadays you have to be a billionaire as millionaires are everywhere – or so we are led to believe…).

In writing my blog entries I am often just rebadging, rewording or recounting the thoughts, ideas, and/or theories of others.  So… I was just sitting here thinking could I actually write a truly original blog entry.  It is pretty hard to imagine writing anything that is not influenced by things you have read, seen or been told.

As I keep thinking, is being a better man being a different man.  Will I be a new original man, obviously better, or will I just be the same man, but doing things differently.

This reminded me of a story I once read about paradoxes.  If you are restoring a boat and have to replace a few planks in the hull, how many planks do you have to actually replace before you are not actually restoring the boat but building a new one…?

Maybe the magic 10% is the answer; but that seems far to small amount to be considered changing something so far from the original that it is not the original anymore. Although I suspect just about everyone at one stage or another will say if you replace 50% of something then it isn’t the original something anymore… or is it?  I also heard that in using someone else’s material if you change 10% of it then it is considered new material. Just for information I have no basis for what I just wrote other than the vague recollection that I might have read it somewhere, or heard it, or been told it.  There is a great example of this in a movie called ‘Flash of Genius’.  I can’t give you the punch line which relates this movie to this post, but it is in the final couple of scenes when he describes what is truly inventing something and what is really original thought.  It is based on a true story which always helps stretch our gullibility that it is good for us to watch and believe, and that it may really, actually be true.

So here I am, in my ‘better man project’ writing about original thought and I have spent most of the post writing about what others have said, or written, or even made into a movie.  Maybe original thought can only exist in the realms of the mind that we haven’t begun to understand yet, or, maybe original thought is for the geniuses that are discovering the universe with mathematics (I can never quite get my head around that – just like I can’t ever quite get my head around a mathematical problem that they have been trying to solve for years – isn’t 1 + 1 always going to be 2 – so just work it out; we have calculators to help – stop using the blackboards and squiggly lines!!!)

Maybe original thought is not about new ideas at all. Perhaps it is about understanding.

I don’t know if this post has contributed to making me a better man, but it made me think about the odds of something happening, if you do it long enough, they usually improve…. Unless you’re insane (click here to see Einstein’s insanity quote).

I refuse to believe that there is nothing new to be discovered, my religion does not allow this!! I also believe that perhaps discovery and understanding are the same thing but we perceive them so differently and find that sometime neither are enough. But, then when is enough, enough in a world where enough is never enough!

10% may not be very much! but at least someone, somewhere is being new and probably writing about it right now, sitting at a computer on the other side of the world…

Also, remind me to write another post about six-percenters, that is one of my favourite statistical anomalies.


Better Tempered

Apologies for the heading of this post but it is not about the angry type of tempered, although maybe it is.

I like (love actually) to write in my Journal.  some of the ‘greatest’ entries are late at night in a fit of fatigue, or returning home after a few – nothing like the actual musings of a drunk who thinks he’s being profound.

I have stopped drinking and texting, and most definitely drinking and Facebooking (the last time I did that I woke up the next morning with only 25 of my 200+ friends still on the list – embarrassing recollecting them… what reason do you give… I dropped you when I was drunk and I had a moment of clarity – great!)

I love to get on a roll when I am writing.  Sometimes if flows and sometimes it just stalls on page one – even line one….

Its like the metal sometimes cools before I get to shape it…  the moment is there and then it fades away.

Letting the metal cool…
Things remain the same when this happens
Even when the metal is hot, unless force is applied, nothing changes
It just remains the same
Apply heat, or cold and there may be the expansion or contraction
But when the heat or cold is gone, it is just the same as before
You have to keep on the heat, or keep on the cold,
Or, apply that force, for the change to remain the same
You have to decide if the change is what will become normal
Is it the temperature, or the force
And in the end is it just a change, is it just a bend
Are you stronger than before, or just different
Is the metal tempered

I wrote the above in one of those ‘profound’ moments late at night and resurrected it today.  Sometimes I am not sure if I am writing a poem, a verse or a muse – and I am not too sure if I actually know the difference (No, I am pretty sure I don’t.)

Maybe the changes we go through have to be a combination of the hot and cold and the bends in our lives.  I think that we also get a few dents along the way that it doesn’t hurt to repair when we get the opportunity – maybe in one of those hot or cold moments.

Maybe the tempering in the metal of our lives is really not about the end result, but about the way in which we change and how we deal with that change….. of course, that is for those who even notice.

I suppose being a better man is sometimes about being a different man, or is it about being the same man better.


Better Insanity

I love the directness of ‘Fear is not Real” and have thought about it a lot.

I think that the ultimate position of mindfulness, is living in the now, it is to live without fear, without regret.

You have to keep asking that question “am I in danger right now” and if the answer is no, then there is no action needed, there can be no fear, as there is no danger and not even a reason for you to imagine things that cause fear.

Children live without fear,
Children live without regret (until we teach them),
Children live without worry for the future,
Children live now.

So I ask myself is experience really the best teacher?

Do we learn from experience.  Am I happier, that I now react to the world because of the experiences I have had, or am I like most and living in a fantasy that I am doing things differently and in actual fact I am doing them the same.

My favourite quote from Einstein: “Insanity: doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Doing the same things and expecting a different results – is insane
Fear of things that are not happening now and may never happen – is insane
Regret and worry – are insane

I will not be insane anymore.

Better Homes – Make Yourself a Memory

I was sitting at the computer, which is in our family room, and I could hear my wife in kitchen which is basically part of the same room.  She was cooking and filling the house with those warm smells of baking.  I am the luckiest man in the world as my wife cooks to relax (she also enjoys grocery shopping! – and alone!!!!).

It was raining outside and the gas central heating that we had saved for (no really, we didn’t buy it on credit and froze for 4 winters!) made the house a warm cocoon.

All I can advise is remember all the rainy Sundays that you spend at home with the one(s) you love.  It may be watching a movie, or doing your own thing.

Talking to each other or not talking to each other.

Remember these days, because they are special; they are the days that linger longest in your heart; if you let yourself they are easy to remember – to feel.

Remember the home that was there – not the house, but the home.

If you are sitting there right now, you have to be there right now.  Take a moment and make yourself a memory and a feeling for a lifetime.

I just did.




Well I suppose I had to get to this.

This is really where things started for me… or is it better to say this is where I suddenly realised where I was, when I was.  I didn’t get a profound meaning of life revelation, or suddenly have some awakening.

One day I just understood.  I think it actually snuck up on me.

I tell a story, that eventually we all end up sitting in a chair, watching days of our lives, pissing our pants and waiting for the fortnightly (sometimes) reluctant visits from your family.  But that is the future and this is now.

So I’ve started to build my mindfulness pages and hope I can actually write with some sense of order and explanation… and dare I say it insight….


Better People

I spent most of the week thinking I can’t work out why people do things;  why is there so much confrontation, bitterness and such a toxic environment in my work.   I have never been able to work out what motivates people to strive for more, when they have everything; to suppress people they already have power over;  and what motivates people to have more and more of something they could never possibly use (power or money).

I am writing this post after a particularly hard week which changed in the blink of an eye.

I was driving along gripping the steering wheel a bit too hard, in heavy traffic in the city, ruminating about something that I now can’t remember – but I can tell you I was right about my ruminating, I knew I was right because I was angry about it!  Every wrong that had happened to me in the past was flashing into my head in the stop-go traffic.  I was the only decent driver on the road at the time and all the pedestrians should have been driving because their presence on the road was shitting me.  I was profiling and judging everyone, past, present and future – all bad.

I noticed a very well built middle eastern man walking along the street (muscles from steroids I surmised) wearing a tight T-shirt (which was too tight and just his way of being a complete poser).  He stopped at a sausage sizzle (I remembered, I hate sausage sizzles as the sausages are always cold and overcooked and the onions aren’t cooked enough) and bourght a sausage in bread (so much for the healthy body builder diet) and walked off down the footpath.

I was just about to lose interest (he had shit me enough already) when he hesitated as he passed a homeless guy who was sitting on the footpath.  The homeless guy had a small sign which they guy stopped to read.  He then took half a pace to walk away and stopped again.  He then turned back and handed the homeless guy the sausage in bread he had just bought.  The homeless guy smiled and nodded and the meat headed body builder in the tight T-shirt who seconds before I had hated for no reason, became a Saint.  I didn’t see the face of the bodybuilder guy as he walked off, but I am sure it was a whole lot better than the face I had looked at him with.

I didn’t see the lights change a first as I must have got something in my eye as they were a bit watery.

Just when I am not being the better man, I see the better man walking down the street.

Maybe looking for the better man is not always about looking inwards and making it all about me.  My bad week, just became a good day.


Better Perspective

I had a hard weekend where I wasn’t a better man.

I was feeling sorry for myself, regretful and as per usual mainly angry.

When my friend called.

His mother was in ICU and had a massive heart attack and needed open heart surgery for a by pass but wasn’t strong enough to be transferred.  He was upset.  He is the anchor in his family and was holding it up for everybody.  I was proud that he called me.  Today his Mum had the surgery and it was not really looking too good.  I went down to the hospital, I hugged my friend and he cried on my shoulder.

I got my perspective back.

He called me tonight and said his Mum was still in ICU but serious but stable and things were looking up.  He thanked me again for being his mate: LYLAB he said.

Love You Like a Brother