Better in The Whole World




“Take any opportunity to live overseas or at least interstate.  This is not going on a holiday but living there.  Learn to be independent: enjoy your own company: miss home (and cherish it every time you return – hug your Mum). Experience another culture: eat their food; speak their language.  Make friends with the world, the people in it, but mainly with yourself.  Love the diversity of the world and appreciate it vastness; don’t feel small, feel a part of it.”

I wrote the above as ‘advice to my past self” hoping that it would be advice to my kids – this is the first time they may actually read it, except that they are not yet old enough to bother caring about what we parents actually do in our lives.

This piece of advice to me is because now, as I am older, I realised that the world is just out there waiting; but, being older the hills are steeper, the treks longer, the plane flights torture, my medication constantly gets me strip searched at airports and I don’t look so good in a swim suit anymore.  Yeah, I do now have the money and time to do it, but one commodity is finite and the other doesn’t matter – I just hope I spend both to the max!

I think there are seasons for travelling in your life – one season is over for me but another is about to start.

Another short post as the above really already says what I want to say.

My world, your world, our world – is being a better man, just the process of realising this.

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!