Better Plans and Yesterdays

Yesterday was Easter and I said before Easter that I wasn’t going to be Better at Oblivious…. well, to everything.

But, what happens when you attempt to notice everything, all the glory of the world, all the stuff that you miss day to day, all the stuff that makes noticing worth it….

And….. suddenly….IMG_4828

YOU (Yeah, you)

Get in the way……?

You had a plan, you had an idea, you even had an ideal with that idea – and you, yeah you, got in the way of your own plan, your own idea, your own ideal…..

You got in the way because everyone else got in your way.

You had a plan to be calm in traffic…
But you got on the road with every fuckwit who ever drove a highway…

You had a plan to enjoy the moment…
But every moment was filled with have to; not want to; and definitely not, can’t want to…

You had a plan to have some ‘you’ time…
You, became them, then us, then all of us, then a party, then a place full of people who wouldn’t go home…

You had a plan to sleep in, or wake early and greet the morning sun..
You just slept because you were so fucking tired…

You got in the way because everyone else got in your way, and you let them, you let them live in your head and not pay rent……

and now another day is gone, you didn’t notice it, it just got in the way of all the stuff you had to do that day… which was mainly not letting anything get in your way…… and it did?

What a fucking waste….
Don’t let it happen again….



All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!