Better Perspective

I had a hard weekend where I wasn’t a better man.

I was feeling sorry for myself, regretful and as per usual mainly angry.

When my friend called.

His mother was in ICU and had a massive heart attack and needed open heart surgery for a by pass but wasn’t strong enough to be transferred.  He was upset.  He is the anchor in his family and was holding it up for everybody.  I was proud that he called me.  Today his Mum had the surgery and it was not really looking too good.  I went down to the hospital, I hugged my friend and he cried on my shoulder.

I got my perspective back.

He called me tonight and said his Mum was still in ICU but serious but stable and things were looking up.  He thanked me again for being his mate: LYLAB he said.

Love You Like a Brother

One thought on “Better Perspective

  1. I haven’t written in here for a while and just checked in as I am having a day off work sick (No man is better at being sick!). When I realised my last entry was about my friends Mum.

    Well, she died.

    My friend rang and told me the operation that had a 50/50 chance of success had happened and it didn’t look like his mum was going to make it. And she didn’t. I went to the funeral and to the wake afterwards.

    I got things back into perspective and continued on with my life.

    I am helping my mate who is sad and misses his mum. Often I just listen.

    I understand.

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!