A Man Alone with Himself…

I promised myself that I would write a positive post…..?

So this one is actually not about social distancing or being ‘trapped at home’ but about how I am thinking about all that.

Friedrich Nietzsche was a German Philosopher who was a bit controversial in his opinions and ideas, but one quote of his was:

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.

You can find a lot of his quotes in a book called “Man Alone with Himself“.

I think that is where we are about now!

That doesn’t sound very ‘positive’ but in actuality it is. We all have so much to live for; in other words so much good in our lives that often we don’t notice it until it is gone.

At the moment I think we are all still ‘scrambling’ a bit thinking that all that matters in disappearing, we can’t do it, it is being taken away from us…. or we are just caught in thoughts of doom and gloom; actually without even thinking about what that doom and gloom is.

I understand that some people are in real stife financially having lost their employment or having their businesses put in jeopardy… but, as my old mate Des would often say at funerals, “But, we’re still here”.

So, I am taking a moment to not worry about the doom and gloom. I am taking a moment to think about all the good things in my life. I am taking a moment, a lot of moments actually, of being grateful.

Yep, just good old gratitude for the fact that so many things I do, people in my life I see, know, have known, or are yet to meet; the things I have in my possession, and the things that are mine that no-one can take away from me.

There are lots of ‘gratitude challenges’ on the internet which I have looked through, and even done a few. Feels a bit stupid at times, but, I am forever amazed at how noticing can make such a difference.

Well, I am keeping my post short as I understand the average reading time of any Facebook, blog, tweet or other post is about 10 seconds; sorry to have held you up.

So, I may as well start and hopefully will be able to continue over the coming days….

I am grateful that I can read whatever book I choose.

PS: I wrote this post on the story of a mate of mine called Adam. He said that he had a WhatsApp group at work and people were complaining and fear mongering on it about the COVID19 virus situation and he posted that people should try a ‘gratitude challenge’ – he copped a lot of flack!!!! I then went back and looked up some old posts and realised it was Adam that had encouraged me to do a 21 day gratitude challenge which you can have a look at here – 21 Day Gratitude Challenge


  1. The Prime Minister said that people hoarding and ‘panic’ buying were un-Australian…..
  2. He later said that people had ‘optimism bias’ and as such were not obeying the new rules…
  3. He later said he had to put in ‘social distancing measures’ to stop people doing things like going to Bondi Beach…..
  4. He calls on us to emulate the ‘ANZAC Spirit’ and all work together as ‘Aussies’ which we always do when the chips are down….

The hypocrisy….

Australians follow their leaders. The Prime Minister and all politicians are the people who set the tone of our society. They are driven, manipulated and seek the lime light with the Merchants of Misery (The Media). They say ‘panic’ buying and hoarding is Un-Australian, no, it is the Australians that our politicians are. Politicians look after number one; they stomp on whoever they can to get what they want; and during the process they hoard enough superannuation to feed a small town. No, Mr Prime Minister, you are seeing the legacy of the ‘Australian’ you are and the Australians you created. PS: The Prime Minister gets of telly about rolls of toilet paper but is relatively silent about 500 billion (about 38%) being lost on the stock marked due to ‘panic selling’….. sorry, stock brokers and investors are clever people while the toilet paper hoarders are….. the… same???

Optimism bias! Ha! How dare you accuse a few people going to the beach and or a cafe when you had weeks notice that this virus was coming to our shores like a tsunami. Mr Prime Minister did you forget you ‘optimism’ not that long ago telling everybody to go about ‘business’ as usual? While at the same time Italy, Iran, China etc, etc, had already told you it will never be business as usual again! He was going to the footy days before he started shutting down the country – now that’s not a mixed message!? …. Oh, I forgot that politicians blame us for what they have done; you traitors and Un-Australians for going to the beach…… my mistake?

Social distancing similar to the Prime Minister and the Chief Medial Officer shaking hands with everyone a day prior to the ‘Bondi Beach Madness’…. I’m sorry but the hypocracy is so blatant that you don’t notice it because no one with any sense of emotional intelligence would think that people would buy it….. but, we are?
PS: … and the difference at a wedding, funeral for one day… and school everyday is?

…. and when all else fails, call on the ANZAC spirit. Just remember these ANZAC heroes were mostly led by a bunch of dills calling the shots from safety. And, please remember that ANZAC cove was a failure and a defeat. In actual fact, it was probably the first ‘Bradbury’ – we lost, but because we retreat really good, it was a victory? Mr Prime Minister, please do not soil the memory of these heroes by pretending that you have as much to sacrifice; it is us, the ‘foot soldiers’ that keep the spirit alive by defending ourselves against you and helping each other out when you continue to fail.


Sitting down to write a positive post, didn’t quite work out for me?

I haven’t written for a while as I felt I was being harshly judged about what I was writing; so, I thought the first post back in the saddle should be as judgemental as possible!

But, lets face it, writing a blog is not exactly about being a shrinking violet and not have a degree of ‘show off’ in you?

I don’t think politicians have realised that creating an economy, and doing anything to protect it, and having The Merchants of Misery as ally and foe, does not create a community in a time of crisis; this is what WE do, most days actually; and our community will get us through, irrespective of your promises. (which gets me thinking about all those millions in aid to the bushfire victims…..?).

So, I hope to be positive in future posts and talk more about saving our ‘community’. I believe our economy will never be the same again; but, our community, our communities, US, can be stronger than ever.

I don’t want to talk about the politicians anymore or ‘firm directions’ they are giving us about what we ‘should’ be doing – we are Australians, we have the ANZAC spirit and if someone tells us not to do something, well, most of us don’t do it….. but, suggest to us we ‘shouldn’t’ do something….. well, it’s almost like a dare!

Shows how Un-Australian you are Mr Prime Minister.